Sign here please - part 2

Claudia - Pants

Hard piss into green jeans re-wetting

After getting caught in the act by Dee and pissing herself while pulling her pants back up. Claudia after failing to get the signature she wanted, she just finishes going into her jeans somewhere no one can see her.

Hard piss into green jeans re-wetting

She takes a few steps stops by the cover a bush and rips a piss into the tight jeans she was wearing. So hard in fact you could hear the hissing and sloshing sounds her pee makes coming out into her jeans. A steady stream forms down her legs that were by this time shiny wet. Collecting and overflowing her sneakers.

Hard piss into green jeans re-wetting

After finally relieving her full bladder, she goes on her way.

Hard piss into green jeans re-wetting

Amazing jeans re-wetting from Claudia! Enjoy and share your feedback!



Hard piss into green jeans re-wetting

Hard piss into green jeans re-wetting

Hard piss into green jeans re-wetting

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