The Wet Spot

Natalie - Jeans

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

While climbing the railing for a day in the sun, a clearly visible wet patch appears between her legs. Looking down a drip starts forming down the railing.

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

Jumping down a full stream of piss forms down her right leg and another begins on the left one also. Natalie just pissed her jeans and she is not at all ashamed. She climbs back the railing and waits for the sun to dry herself while she was enjoying the rest of the beautiful day.

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

Yet another amazing clip from Natalie! Have fun!

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

Natalie just went into her jeans climbing railing

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