Trails of piss

Debbie - Pantyhose

Debbie wets her pantyhose going on a date

Debbie is preparing herself to go out. She is not very keen to go on a date right now.

Debbie wets her pantyhose going on a date

She starts dressing with a black dress and brown pantyhose. When she finishes putting her wedge shoes on all of a sudden piss gushes out of her crotch like a fountain.

Debbie wets her pantyhose going on a date

She does not fight it at all, she simply stands there bent over the chair to wet herself.

Debbie wets her pantyhose going on a date

Now she has the perfect excuse not to go out.

Great clip from Debbie. Have fun!

Debbie wets her pantyhose going on a date

Debbie wets her pantyhose going on a date

Debbie wets her pantyhose going on a date

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